
This page sets out information that we may need to properly prepare your tax return for the tax year ended 5 April 2019.
Not all the information will be relevant for every client but we like to ask each year just in case your circumstances have changed. For some clients we’ll already hold some of the information on our files. If you think that is the case for you then there is no need to resend it.

It is important you do look through this list and to let us know of anything that may be relevant for your tax return. It is ultimately your responsibility that your tax return is correct.

The best way to provide any information you think we may need is via our secure client portal – here.

Please let your usual contact know if you have any issues logging in.


We would always suggest sending us the information as early as possible. By preparing your return early we can help to ensure you claim for as much as possible and give you as much notice as possible of your tax liabilities.

– 31 October 2019 deadline for submitting a paper tax return
– 30 December 2019 deadline for paying tax less than £3,000 through your tax code (where possible)
– 31 January 2020 deadline for submitting an electronic return

There are penalties for late submission and late payment of tax.

We do not guarantee we will be able to submit your tax return if we do not receive all the relevant information by 1 December 2019.

Self Employment

Details of all business income received and all business expenditure made where not previously provided.


Form P60 or P45 showing your salary and tax deducted in respect of any employment. If the form is not available a copy of your payslip for March 2019 should be forwarded to us.

Form P11D showing benefits in kind provided to you in connection with your employments during the year.

A list of deductible expenses, membership subscriptions and travelling expenses

Pensions and Allowances

The amount of state pension received in the year, together with the current rate of payment (Note: 13 payments per year)

Details of other pensions received in the year

Details of Job Seekers allowance and other state benefits received

Rental Income

Details of rents received and expenses in respect of any let properties.
Please include mortgage interest certificates and indicate if property is

Investment Income

Details of interest received from bank and building society accounts. State whether Gross or Net. Include details of foreign interest and tax deducted if applicable

Dividend vouchers and similar vouchers for fixed interest stocks

Chargeable event certificates on certain bonds and life assurance policies

Forms R185/R185E showing your income and tax deducted in respect of any settlement of which you are a beneficiary

Details of any other income or capital gains arising during the year

Certificate of interest paid in respect of any other loan on which you obtain, or a new loan which you consider that you may be entitled to, tax relief, with details of the purpose of any new loan (for example loans taken out to invest in a business)

Details of any foreign income received


Details of pension contributions paid in the year

Details of charitable covenants or Payroll Giving paid during the year

Details of payments under Gift Aid during the year

Details of assets purchased or sold in the year

Details of any gifts made to the value of £5,000 or more where you have retained an interest in the asset


Please provide details if you have a repayable student loan.

Please provide details if you are liable to pay Scottish Income Tax

Child Benefit

You are responsible for declaring Child Benefit if either of the following applies.
– Your own individual income is more than £50,000
– You have a partner whose income is more than £50,000 but your income is higher than theirs

Please advise how many children you or your partner received Child Benefit for during the period 6 April 2018 to 5 April 2019.
If any Child Benefit receipts commenced or ceased in the tax year, please can you provide details.

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