March 10th, 2018

Tax Planning before 5 April 2018

With just a few weeks left before the end of the 2017/18 tax year on 5 April 2018 here’s a few tips to keep more money in your pocket:

Keep out of the high tax danger zones

£50,000 – £60,000 – If you get child benefit then you get it clawed back in this zone. This means paying 40% tax plus the Higher Income Child Benefit Charge. A tax rate of over 60%

£100,000 – £123,000 – you’ll lose your personal allowance in this band. A tax rate of 60%

Over £150,000 – you’ll pay tax at 45%

Here’s a few things you can do…

– Make pension contributions or Gift Aid payments to charities to reduce your total taxable income liability.
– Get advice on transferring or splitting income and assets between spouses to equalise taxable income levels
– Shift income to 2018/19 – where legitimately possible. Don’t forget that future tax years and allowances might be less favourable though.

Make sure your savings and investments are tax efficient

Here’s what you can do…

– Use your tax-free ISA allowance before 5 April. The total investable amount for 2017/18 is £20,000 per person including cash ISAs.
– Help your children – Junior ISAs are available up to a limit of £4,128 per child per tax year and can be funded by family members.
– Talk to an IFA about whether investing in Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS) or Venture Capital Trusts (VCT) to shelter income at higher rates and potentially defer capital gains tax (CGT) would be suitable for you.

Max out your pension

Still one of the best tax planning methods…

– Use as much of your £40,000 annual contribution allowance for 2017/18 to save up to 45% tax.
– Consider making a pension contribution for your spouse and children with no earnings and obtain tax relief.
– If you have no pension provision, take advantage of this year’s allowances by setting one up before 5 April 2018.

If you need tax planning advice from a chartered accountant – get in touch.

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Limited Companies Tax Advice


John manages a wide portfolio of owner managed businesses and oversees the smooth operation of the firm’s payroll department.

After obtaining his degree in mathematics from the University of Liverpool, John joined Jonathan Ford & Co in 2004 and qualified as a chartered accountant four years later. John likes to keep abreast of developments in tax and accounting and is responsible for the mentoring of junior staff.

Outside of work, John enjoys powerlifting and is a Liverpool FC season ticket holder.

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