November 30th, 2014

The shocking truth about choosing an accountant – and what you can do about it

If you go to see a doctor there’s a few things you take for granted.
They’ve studied hard and passed loads of exams.
They keep their knowledge up to date.
They’ve got bags of experience.
They need to do things well – or they get struck off.
If they get something wrong there’s people you can complain to so it gets put right.

They may be lovely and friendly… or not…
They could be young. Or really old.
Male or female. Foreign or British. Whatever.
There’s one thing you’ll be sure about though. They really are a doctor.

You’d think the same would apply to accountants. You’d be wrong.

Any one can call themselves an accountant.

No qualification. No training. No experience. No insurance. No monitoring.
You just need a fancy website and a bit of self confidence.

So, when you’re choosing an accountant do these two simple things.

  • Pick a qualified accountant. They’ll be Chartered Accountants or Chartered Certified Accountants. You’re looking for these letters after their name FCA or ACA, FCCA or ACCA.
  • Check they really have those qualification. People will actually lie about this. You can easily check by searching an online database.
  • Ok, you may have to spend a bit more money on a qualified accountant. But, if you had to have an operation, which doctor would you choose? The cheapest?

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    John manages a wide portfolio of owner managed businesses and oversees the smooth operation of the firm’s payroll department.

    After obtaining his degree in mathematics from the University of Liverpool, John joined Jonathan Ford & Co in 2004 and qualified as a chartered accountant four years later. John likes to keep abreast of developments in tax and accounting and is responsible for the mentoring of junior staff.

    Outside of work, John enjoys powerlifting and is a Liverpool FC season ticket holder.

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