October 16th, 2014

Customer Feedback – Is it worth it?

We’re big fans of getting feedback from our clients as to how we’re doing. Here’s why we survey our clients regularly and why you should to.

1. If we’re not getting something right then we want to know about it. We do our best to provide a really good service so if we’re falling short in some way then that’s a significant piece of information for us.
2. It can help prevent us from losing a client. People often don’t bother raising a complaint with service providers – they just start using someone else. If we get an early indication that something isn’t right we can take steps to sort it out.
3. It’s nice to get good feedback. We all like a pat on the back now and again. Sometimes the feedback has highlighted something particularly good a member of staff has done that we wouldn’t know about otherwise.
4. We can use our reviews to help attract new clients. Just Google ‘Jonathan Ford reviews” and see what comes up. Most firms of accountants aren’t quite so honest and upfront and what their clients think (apart from a few cherry picked comments on the web site). We think providing much more information – warts and all – gives our prospects an honest view of what to expect from us.
5. We can use our reviews to identify clients who think so highly of us that they may be happy to refer us to others – creating the potential for new work.

You can see our review page here.

We use Customersure to deliver our reviews for a few reasons:

1. It links in to Xero so it makes it pretty effortless on our part to send out the surveys whenever we send out an invoice.
2. The survey is very quick and simple to complete. Just a couple of clicks from within an email and it’s done. Simplicity is everything in trying to get a response.
3. The structure of the site is easy and clear for people to view – and the policy for us not being able to edit or delete reviews means we can’t cheat!

If you think Customersure could help your business then their website is here. We’ve no affiliation with them other than being a happy, paying customer (and for the eagle-eyed you’ll see my picture on their home page!).

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John manages a wide portfolio of owner managed businesses and oversees the smooth operation of the firm’s payroll department.

After obtaining his degree in mathematics from the University of Liverpool, John joined Jonathan Ford & Co in 2004 and qualified as a chartered accountant four years later. John likes to keep abreast of developments in tax and accounting and is responsible for the mentoring of junior staff.

Outside of work, John enjoys powerlifting and is a Liverpool FC season ticket holder.

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