We would always encourage all our clients to get their tax return completed early in the tax year.
There are a number of advantages to doing this:
1. You can relax knowing it’s all sorted and you won’t get a penalty
2. If your tax affairs are complicated then starting early allows sufficient time to get all the information you need.
3. You’ll know what your tax bill is well in advance – giving you extra time to save if you have underestimated your tax liability.
4. You may be able to pay the tax you owe through the PAYE system rather than have to pay it all in one go.
To encourage as many clients as possible to get their tax return information to us early we make a commitment to donate 10 malaria treatments for each tax return where we get the information by 31 August.
For clients that wait until later in the year we have an additional charge for completing their tax return.
Where we receive the information after 1 December we charge an additional fee of £25 plus VAT.
Where we receive the information after 1 January we charge an additional fee of £50 plus VAT.
The additional charges are to cover:
1. The additional time we spend in sending out reminders, texts and phone calls for clients who are approaching the deadline.
2. Additional staff costs from overtime that has to be worked over Christmas and January.